Birthstone Chart Guide: Discover Your Birthstone and Explore Its Significance, Symbolism, and Color

What better way to commemorate a birthday than with a birthstone? Typically set in rings or pendants, birthstones are unique gemstones, each embodying distinct qualities that symbolize the birth month according to the Gregorian calendar. In this article, we will take a look at Birthstone gems and help you learn more about your unique birthstone. But first, what is the meaning of Birthstone?

Birthstone Meaning

Every birthstone is linked to a specific month and carries its own distinctive meaning and importance, often correlating with astrological signs. These precious stones, steeped in rich history and significance, present an enigmatic attraction. They are commonly incorporated into jewelry, enhancing their aesthetic appeal. Traditionally aligned with a specific month or zodiac sign, these semi-precious stones are thought to bring good fortune to the wearer.

How did Birthstones Begin?

The origins of how birthstones became associated with specific months are somewhat obscure, but like many traditions, they have evolved over time. It is believed by some that the concept of birthstones dates back to Biblical times, specifically to Aaron, the priest's breastplate adorned with twelve distinct colored gems. In the 1st century AD, Josephus, a Jewish historian, posited a connection between these stones and various meanings, linking them to the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve months of the year, and the twelve zodiac signs.

Over time, the tradition evolved, with people in different cultures of the world wearing gemstones associated with different months as talismans, attributing unique powers to each stone. Gradually, specific stones became linked to specific months. In 1912, the American National Association of Jewelers formalized this tradition by establishing an official birthstone list. While the creation of this list was controversially seen as driven by commercial motives, it has since been globally recognized, with certain months even adopting more than one gemstone.

Numerous legends and myths surround the healing powers and therapeutic effects of birthstones. According to these stories, wearing a gemstone in its respective month amplifies its healing capabilities. For maximum benefit, one would need to possess all twelve stones and rotate them throughout the year.

Whether one believes in these legends depends on personal belief, but regardless, adding a gemstone to one's collection, each with its unique and special significance, is a practice that many find meaningful and enriching.

Birthstones by Month

January Birthstone: Garnet


Garnet, recognized as the birthstone for January, epitomizes the essence of passionate friendship, devotion, vitality, and equilibrium. While garnets are commonly known for their distinctive reddish-brown hue, they are also found in an array of colors including purple, pink, red, brown, and even in a colorless form. It's important to note that garnet is not a singular mineral but rather encompasses a variety of minerals. The American Gem Society traces the etymology of 'garnet' back to the 14th-century term ‘Garnet’, signifying “dark red”. This is derived from the Latin word ‘Granatum’, akin to the seeds of a pomegranate, reflecting the stone's resemblance in color and form.

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February Birthstone: Amethyst


Amethyst, distinguished for its enchanting purple hue, serves as the birthstone for February. Symbolizing sincerity and protection, its splendid color palette extends from deep violet to pale lavender, often associated with royalty. The name 'amethyst' originates from the ancient Greek word ‘Ametysthos’, which means ‘sober’, and the gem is traditionally believed to ward off intoxication. 

Available in various shades of purple, lilac, and mauve, amethyst is also revered as the ‘Royal gem’ and is astrologically governed by the planet Jupiter. On Moh’s scale of mineral hardness, amethyst ranks a 7, which is an indication of its durability.

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March Birthstone: Aquamarine


March's birthstone, aquamarine, is celebrated for symbolizing honesty, beauty, and loyalty, with a particular affinity for its striking aqua blue color. This gemstone is a variety of the beryl crystal, renowned for its beautiful shades of blue that range from pale pastel to greenish and deep blue, and known for its clear and vibrant appearance. 

The term 'aquamarine' is derived from the ancient Latin phrase meaning ‘sea water’, a nod to its maritime connections. Historically, it was believed to safeguard sailors and pacify the seas. Aquamarine is also credited with enhancing communication and fostering clarity of thought. Noted for its near-flawless quality, it is a symbol of youth, affluence, and desire, and is thought to bolster the immune system while dispelling negative energy. On the Moh’s scale of hardness, aquamarine ranks at 7.5, reflecting its substantial durability.

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April Birthstone: Diamond


April's birthstone, the diamond, holds a special place in the hearts of women globally, epitomizing purity and strength. The diamond's color spectrum comes in various shades, with its value hinging on both color and clarity. Esteemed as one of the most beautiful and highly sought-after gemstones ever, the diamond is celebrated for its remarkable hardness, symbolizing both courage and endurance. It is also recognized as a symbol of eternal love.

The name 'diamond' originates from the Greek word ‘Adamas’, signifying ‘Unbreakable’, and it is often poetically described as the tears of the gods that have fallen from heaven. Ranking at a perfect 10 on Moh’s scale, the diamond's hardness is unmatched among all gemstones. Beyond its durability, diamonds are treasured for their rarity and elegance, making them an unparalleled gift for loved ones, embodying a sense of timeless beauty and deep affection.

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May Birthstone: Emerald


The birthstone of May, the emerald represents enduring faith, insightful wisdom in love, and familial harmony. This gemstone, traditionally used in various cultures as a talisman against evil, is primarily celebrated for its vibrant green hue, though it may also exhibit blue or yellow tints. The emerald's rich green color is thought to symbolize the rejuvenating essence of spring.

Renowned for its beauty and allure, the emerald has been used in various forms of jewelry in diverse shapes, cuts, and shades. The term 'emerald' traces its roots to the Greek word “smaragdos”, meaning “green stone”. The gemstone's value increases along with the depth and vibrancy of its green color, with the most prized emeralds displaying a deep bluish-green hue.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the emerald represents concepts such as nature, purity, growth, and vitality. Historically worn for attracting good fortune and promoting health, the emerald is also revered as a symbol of natural beauty. This belief is further enriched by its association with the Greek goddess, who favored this exquisite gemstone.


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June Birthstone: Pearl/Alexandrite/moonstone


The pearl, traditionally deriving its name from the Latin word "Perna", is a gemstone with origins traced to various regions including China, Indonesia, Philippines, and Australia. This gemstone presents a spectrum of colors, ranging from classic white to the deep hues of Black Tahitian, and even includes the delicate pink of Conch pearls. Pearls are believed to foster a sense of harmony and aid in emotional healing, often associated with virtues of faithfulness, loyalty, and purity. 

Revered as the "tears of the moon," pearls are among the most highly valued gemstones, celebrated for their unique luster and elegance. According to Ratna Shastra, an ancient gemology text, pearls are also said to contribute to the personal advancement of an individual. 

On the other hand, Alexandrite, also a birthstone for the month of June, is known for its rarity. This gemstone typically exhibits a vivid bluish-green color in daylight, transforming to a striking red or purplish-red under incandescent light. Alexandrite, in comparison to pearls, tends to be less commonly found, adding to its uniqueness and value.

July Birthstone: Ruby


The ruby, July's birthstone, is emblematic of love and passion and is reputed to bring good fortune to its wearer. Its name is derived from the Latin 'Rubber', meaning red, reflecting its rich coloration. Various cultures hold the belief that this gemstone, ranging in hues from pink to deep red, possesses the power to ward off evil. Esteemed as the 'King of Precious Gems', the ruby signifies love, health, wisdom, and enthusiasm.

Historically, wearing a ruby was considered a means to attract good luck. The term 'ruby' itself originates from the Latin word ‘rubber’, translating to ‘Red’. In ancient Sanskrit, it is referred to as ‘Ratnatraj’. While rubies are inherently valuable, their worth is further enhanced by their quality and color intensity.

Rubies are found in a spectrum of shades, from purplish red to orange-red, with the Burmese ruby noted for its exceptionally vibrant color. These fiery gems have been cherished throughout history for their vivid color and vitality. In terms of durability, the ruby is robust, scoring a 9 on the Moh’s scale of hardness. 

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August Birthstone: Peridot


August's birthstone, Peridot symbolizes strength, and is distinguished by its distinctive olive green hue. Often referred to as the 'evening emerald', Peridot, especially when set in gold, is believed to protect its wearer from malevolent dreams. Recognized in modern times as the birthstone for August, Peridot has been revered since antiquity, once hailed as ‘the gem of the sun’ by ancient Egyptians. Historically, Egyptians mined a striking green gem, known as Topazios, near the Red Sea.

Peridot is the gem-quality variant of the commonly found mineral olivine. This gemstone displays a range of colors from zesty lime to deep olive green. It is believed to have magical properties and healing capabilities, particularly in purging the mind of negative thoughts.

The term 'Peridot' is derived from the Arabic word ‘faridat’, meaning 'gem'. It symbolizes virtues such as strength, honesty, and loyalty. A notable feature of Peridot is its double refraction; upon close inspection, each pavilion facet appears to be duplicated, enhancing its allure and uniqueness.

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September Birthstone: Sapphire


September's birthstone, the sapphire, is renowned for symbolizing attributes such as peace, purity, serenity, wisdom, loyalty, and faith. While most commonly known for its deep blue hue, sapphires are also available in white, pink, and yellow, referred to as fancy sapphires. The strikingly brilliant blue sapphire particularly represents values like sincerity, faithfulness, and romance, making it a cherished gem in various cultures.

Esteemed as a royal gemstone, the sapphire of September is particularly noted for its rich azure color. The name 'sapphire' is derived from the Persian word “Safir”, which translates to “Beloved of Saturn”, underscoring its long-standing admiration and value. Sapphires are typically mined from very deep within the earth's crust.

These gemstones are found in an array of colors, with blue sapphires being especially prized, often featuring prominently in wedding and engagement rings.

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October Birthstone: Opal / Tourmaline

October's birthstone, the opal, is the gemstone that symbolizes innocence and hope, with its unique patterns producing a distinct radiance. This gemstone's name derives from the Latin 'Opalus', denoting 'stone'. Opals predominantly exhibit a white base, but they can also appear in black or transparent forms, accented with colorful flecks. Traditionally, the term 'opal' was first used in India, and it has since become emblematic of purity, hope, and creativity. Often hailed as the ‘Queen of Gems,’ opal is recognized as an emotionally resonant stone, believed to intensify feelings and thoughts. This gemstone is particularly admired for its ‘play of colors’, encapsulating the beauty of various gemstones, from garnet's sparkle to amethyst's purple sheen, and from topaz's elegance to the deep blue of sapphire.

Conversely, Pink Tourmaline, another October gemstone, embodies a love for humanity and is often worn to foster empathy. While not as hard as diamonds, it is a popular choice for engagement rings, though its lesser durability warrants careful handling. Pink Tourmaline symbolizes pure, unconditional friendship and love. It is sourced from various locations, including the United States, Brazil, Nigeria, and Afghanistan, with Brazil and Namibia being renowned for producing the highest quality of this birthstone.


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November Birthstone: Topaz & Citrine

November's birthstone, topaz, is revered for symbolizing faithfulness, long suffering, and friendship, and is believed to possess healing properties that aid respiratory disorders. Available in a variety of colors, the most esteemed is the Imperial Topaz, distinguished by its orange hue with pink undertones. Historically significant, the name 'topaz' is thought to originate from the Sanskrit word ‘Tapas’ and the Greek word ‘Topazion’, both suggesting an association with “Fire”.

This gemstone is found in a wide spectrum of colors, from amber-gold to blushing pink-orange, with pale pink or sherry-colored topaz being particularly exceptional. Among these, the natural blue topaz is one of the rarest. In ancient times, topaz was worn with the belief that it could ward off magical spells and dispel anger. It represents beauty, strength, intelligence, and affection. The striking pinkish-orange Imperial Topaz is especially valued and recognized for its magnificence.

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December Birthstone: Turquoise

Representing December is Turquoise, a semi-translucent to opaque gemstone. It spans a color palette from soft pastel blue to vibrant grassy green. The name ‘turquoise’ historically originates from the term ‘stone of Turkey’, reflecting its early trade routes. Chemically identified as Copper aluminum phosphate, turquoise typically forms in igneous rocks containing copper minerals, often developing near water tables or rivers.

In antiquity, turquoise was believed to bring good fortune and protection, and was worn as a token of remembrance. Renowned as one of the oldest gemstones, it has been a staple in jewelry-making for centuries.